Cruising in Fiji waters is stunningly remote and beautiful, and it has given Carol the opportunity to experience many once-in-a-lifetime moments, however, its isolation and untouched beauty also means that it is one of the more difficult areas in the South Pacific.
There are areas which are still un-surveyed and navigational aids are often a non event! The rule of thumb is: do not expect a beacon to be in place even if it shown on the chart, nor assume a light to be working!
Carol’s itineraries to you will be tailored to suit your ships needs, and those of your guests. All factors are taken into account, and we will provide you with an itinerary detailed in all aspects of cruising and extra-curricular activities for guests as well as specific GPS plots for all diving, surfing and fishing, should you require.
Cruising Itineraries will be detailed especially for you by Carol Dunlop (Ex Captain Of MV Surprise who operated in Fiji for eight years) She has sailed Fiji waters and other south pacific islands on various vessels since 1974.
Itineraries will be suited to your guests needs, including all activities. Itinerary will be a detailed voyage plan, with various options en route. GPS positions and radar ranges of island passes, anchorages, cultural activities, dive sites, fishing or surf sites and garbage drop points will also be included, everything to get you cruising comfortably.
Each route and anchorage will also include detailed explanation and we are also able to provide marked charts to you, as well as google earth pictures where available.
Yacht Partners Fiji offers a continuous standby service, by email and phone for any queries, advice, emergency requests that you may have. Daily forecasts using a variety of weather sites can also be emailed daily at your request.
We are able to arrange a shore side itinerary for your guests and crew. This includes arrangements for accommodation bookings, transportation to and from the airport, hotels and the vessel, rental cars, tour guides, activities and excursions and anything else you may think of or require. International flights and domestic flights can also be booked by us, and we can also recommend and book seaplanes and helicopters within Fiji waters.