Provisions of dry goods, fresh fruit and vegetables, deli goods, seafood, meat, beverages and fresh flowers can be ordered from our well known and reliable suppliers here in Fiji, and if not available locally, can be imported. We will provide a comprehensive list of products for your order. Prior notice is advisable if you require imported goods, which is usually order from reliable suppliers in New Zealand that is air freighted directly to us. We are also able to provision and arrange provisions to be flown to the ship during the cruise.
Duty free fuel can be organized for vessels over 100t prior to departure and the minimum order is 3000L. We do not charge a mark up on fuel.
We can organize local purchasing and the importation of spare parts, sourcing and freight forwarding.
For contact and deployment of reliable tradesmen, we can assist, although please be advised that quality of local tradesmen and repair work is often not to international standards.
Mobile phones and GPRS services are available if required. Mobile coverage is improving throughout the islands and those areas will also be highlighted on your itinerary.
Medical facilities and a recompression chamber are available in Fiji. If required, we can make the necessary arrangements.